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My story

Throughout my life, I have challenged the status quo, social norms, female conditioning, and the expectations imposed on me to pursue a life more connected to my values and purpose.

As the first artistically inclined individual in a family of engineers and agronomists, I've explored unconventional paths to overcome my perfectionism, silence my inner critic's voices, and surpass the need for external validation.


This journey of breaking cycles has focused on discovering my innate human capabilities and embracing my genuine voice, aiming to maintain authenticity and nurture my artistic traits while thriving in a world and family structure that significantly contrasted with my nature.


I studied Arts at university and worked for 20 years as a freelance Art Director. I was told that you need to be good at one thing and stick to it to be successful and make a living. But with my many interests and creative mindset, that never felt like me. In a society that values specialisation, I often felt out of place—until I first heard the word multipotentialite from Emilie Wapnick in 2019. It was like going to the doctor and finally discovering there’s a diagnosis behind the symptoms. Suddenly, everything made sense. I felt seen, proud, and at peace with myself.

At 45, I chose to pursue purpose and a meaningful daily life, embracing NVC and coaching as valuable additions to my professional journey.















In my adulthood, I was told that women would have trouble conceiving a child after age 36. However, I chose to trust in the flow of life and naturally conceived, carried, and delivered my first child at 38 and my second at 43 through home birth.


I was told that women needed to marry a man to have a romantically fulfilling life. Yet, I have always been true to my heart and have lived a life full of multiple passions, including relationships with both men and women. For the past 17 years, I have been with the same man without ever making a vow that only death would part us. Our only commitment has been to stay together because we want to be together. Freedom and trust are what bond us.


I was told that to continue receiving work commissions and assessments, I had to accept whatever was offered in terms of money and demands. Instead, I connected with my worthiness and learned how to negotiate my time, energy, and needs in a way that cares for the whole.


I was told that family was family no matter what and that we should tolerate mistreatment and normalize emotional abuse. However, my longing for survival was stronger, and I learned how to protect myself, no longer engaging in relationships that attempt to violate my boundaries, regardless of the authority figure's significance in my life.



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​I was told that I had to start paying a mortgage to ensure stability and safety. But my need for discovery and community spoke louder, and I moved abroad three times, most recently with two kids and no job contract. Life has shown me that dropping fear and embracing the unknown is the way. For the past two years, I’ve been a dreamer and doer of Colmeia62, an ecovillage project in Portugal, where 15 multicultural families are creating a community life together based on shared power, no property ownership, free will, environmental responsibility, and joy.


I was told that not being a native English speaker would prevent me from using English at work. However, I stood firm in my belief that being understood and understanding others was enough. Despite my imperfect proficiency, I’ve been building a business in English since 2022.


I was told that I should do everything on my own and never rely on other women. But I decided to nourish my soul, and since 2019, I’ve been creating, facilitating, and bringing women together in circles to explore finances, compassionate parenting, nonviolent actions towards life, and authentic living. I have never stopped, and this is what heals me most.


I’m the leader of my life, a solution seeker. With autonomy and choice, I follow my path, embracing my humanity. I welcome my flaws, celebrate my wins, seek support when needed, and create communities of all kinds to navigate life transitions, personal struggles, celebrations, and breakthroughs.


I am a mother, a woman moving toward liberation, no longer subjecting myself to environments full of hierarchical roles and fear-blame-shame dynamics. Throughout my life, no matter what happens, I've remained committed to living authentically.


Thanks to my extensive Nonviolent Communication practice and coaching qualifications, I now support brave women in doing the same.

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Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a transformative process rooted in the principles of nonviolent movements. It integrates language, thought, and strategies to foster connection with our feelings and needs. Developed by American psychologist Marshall Rosenberg in the 1960s, NVC aims to shift systems of domination into ones of partnership and cooperation.


Rosenberg, mentored by the psychologist Carl Rogers, believed that the root of all conflicts, whether systemic like war or interpersonal and intrapersonal, lies in our learned patterns of communication. Through his clinical practice, he observed that communication based on control and punishment disconnects us from our innate wisdom, found in our bodies, emotions, and vital needs.


NVC offers a pathway to reconnect with this wisdom, empowering us to align with our authentic selves. By acknowledging and expressing our feelings and needs, we reclaim our power and enhance our capacity to make choices in alignment with our values. Through clear observations and language, NVC facilitates genuine connection and sheds communication patterns that no longer serve us.



I first encountered NVC in 2014 during a session facilitated by Dominic Barter, at a challenging time in my journey as a mother. This experience profoundly impacted me, revealing that many of my struggles stemmed from unmet needs shaped by socialisation within a system that restricts full connection to our inner selves.


Since then, I’ve spent a decade immersed in NVC, attending retreats and extensive training with practitioners like Dominic Barter, Miki Kashtan, Sandra Caselato, and Yuri Hassz. These experiences, alongside raising two children, have deeply shaped both my personal growth and professional practice. NVC has become the cornerstone of my coaching approach, blending its principles with Carl Rogers’ person-centered philosophy and systemic, holistic thinking.


This integration has not only defined my coaching practice but has also shaped a meaningful narrative in my life. NVC reflects my core values, affirming that all human beings strive to meet needs that matter equally, and that our well-being is interdependent.



My core values align with NVC principles, recognising that all human beings strive to meet their needs, which matter equally. I believe in the interdependence of humanity and our innate need to care for one another’s well-being.


By embracing and living NVC in my coaching practice, I assist clients move from judgmental thinking to inclusive consciousness, empowering them to live authentically and in alignment with their values. Together, we uncover the emotions and needs behind their actions, enabling perspective shifts and the rewriting of life narratives—ultimately creating transformative new experiences.




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